Kids are different from adults, which can make designing their bedrooms quite challenging. They have different needs and wants when it comes to their bedrooms, which means that a simple design won't do the trick. Below are some children's bedroom design tips for creating the perfect kids' room:
Keep it simple
When it comes to bedroom design for kids' rooms, it’s a good idea to keep it simple. Using one or two colours and patterns will help keep the room from looking cluttered. While we’re talking about clutter, try to stay away from too much furniture. While you may want the kids to have plenty of space for toys and games, keeping things simple will help them learn how to be organised on their own without getting overwhelmed by clutter.
Make sure that all furniture is easy to clean too, especially if you have young children who somehow always manage to find the one toy or book that’s been left out on purpose just so they could put it in their mouth! You’ll be doing the majority of the cleaning too, so make the job a little easier with easy-to-clean furniture.
Product: Children's Wooden Bunk Bed (Blue)
Allow for lots of storage
Kids' rooms can get messy quickly, so it's important to have plenty of storage space. Kids will need a place for all their toys, clothes and other belongings—and they'll want easy access to them! Avoid using furniture with drawers or cabinets that are too small: kids will get frustrated if they can't fit all their stuff in there.
For your child's bedroom design, consider adding large open wardrobes to accommodate plenty of clothing; if these are out of reach for young children (and even older ones!), consider adding some low-sitting stools or cushions that can be used as extra seating around the room when needed. You could also include a side table or dresser which doubles up as additional storage space while still keeping things tidy and accessible.
Get separate sleeping areas
Separate sleeping areas are great for parents and kids alike. Some parents prefer separate bedrooms, as this gives them some time to themselves (and it makes it easier to keep a strict bedtime when you have one room reserved for sleeping).
If you want your kids to feel independent and grown up, they should have the option of having their own bedroom. This can be a space where they can decorate the walls with their favourite colours or hang up pictures that mean something special to them. It's also a great place for them to store toys and books that they'll want access to often without messing up your living space!
Go for neutral walls
When it comes to decorating your kids' bedroom, you want a colour that can grow with them. A neutral wall is a perfect choice for this, as it will be easy for you to change up their room in the future and it gives them a blank canvas to use.
Neutral walls are great because they can be decorated with different themes throughout their childhood and teen years. Whether your child is into dinosaurs or flowers, you can easily hang some fabric or paint over an existing mural on the wall and change up their space in a snap!
Kids are messy creatures and we all know that no matter how much we try to prevent it, there will be times when they're going to spill something on their walls (or even worse: themselves). Neutral walls are perfect for these types of situations because they make cleanup easier in case something gets spilt or scribbled on them!
Focus on one standout feature
Defining a focal point: a single, powerful and distinctive design element that gives the bedroom its unique character. Think of your focal point as the 'wow' piece in your room – it's something you want people to notice when they walk in.
Examples of focal points include things like a headboard with intricate carvings or metal work; an ornate desk; a towering bookshelf filled with literature that has inspired you through the years; an artwork suspended on the wall above your headboard; or even just an original piece by yourself or another artist.
Choosing your focal point all comes down to personal preference! But here are some ideas for getting started:
- Pick out something special from one of your recent travels (this could be anything from souvenirs to photos).
- If there's any space left over after furnishing each other areas, try filling up this area with furniture pieces (or plants!).

Product: Lenox Wrought Iron Bed (Pearl Gold)
Make sure it's child-friendly
If you want your child's room to be a place where they can feel safe and secure, then it's important that it is child-friendly. Your choice of furniture should be sturdy and durable, as well as colourful and fun, with rounded edges to avoid injury. Consider installing electrical outlets that are covered by plastic plugs instead of traditional metal covers. A night light is a good idea for children who have trouble sleeping in the dark or who have nightmares from time to time, ensuring their room remains lit throughout the night without being too bright for sleep.
Don't forget the big picture
When you're decorating your kid's room, don't forget to include the big picture. Make sure that it's safe and secure, but also make sure there is enough storage for all of the toys. You might need to move some things around or buy more shelving units. If you're going to have a computer in their room, make sure they have enough space on their desk or table for homework!
This is a big decision for any parent, so it's important not to rush into it. Take your time and think about what you want out of the design before diving in. You may even find that you need to do some research into the different options available to you before making a decision on which path will work best for your family. The most important thing is that when decorating children's bedrooms, parents should always focus on their child's needs first and foremost!