Don't let your bespoke bed become a haven for dirt and bacteria. It is important to make sure that any stains are cleaned from your bed and mattress in order to preserve your health and keep a safe and clean environment in your bedroom. Stains may also smell (depending on what has caused the stain) and may be harder to get out later if left to soak into the mattress. Read our tips below to find out how to get rid of stains from your bed and mattress.

How can you get rid of stains from bed mattresses?

It is important to ensure that you attempt to remove the stain as soon as possible by dabbing, to avoid it setting. The effort required to remove a stain will also depend on the type of stain and what caused it. Firstly, you should attempt to clean up any excess liquid which can make a stain worse and may make it spread even further. Dabbing with a cloth/sponge will be better than using a paper towel, as they may not be as effective and may disintegrate onto the mattress. Once completed, vacuuming the stained area can also help to get rid of any excess dust or dirt left on the mattress. Stripping the bed immediately and putting the sheets on a cool wash afterwards will help to remove stains, as hot water can lead to stains setting into your bedsheets if they haven't been dabbed adequately.

Urine stains

Urine stains can be quite common, especially in beds where children sleep. Urine stains may be removed using a damp sponge containing a warm solution of mild detergent or upholstery shampoo. Afterwards, you can wipe the stain with a damp cloth and add a mild antiseptic to avoid negative health effects being caused by such a stain. There are a couple of tried and tested methods that can remove urine stains - a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and washing up liquid can be sprayed onto a urine stain and left for at least an hour. Afterwards, you can cover the stain with baking soda and vacuum it up after leaving it for a few hours - this should help to get rid of the smell, as well as the stain. Alternatively, you can use a 50% mixture of white vinegar and water instead of the hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and washing up liquid mix.

Wine spillages

People often say to pour white wine over red wine stains to remove them, however, pouring salt or dabbing sparkling water on the stain may be more effective to remove it.


Blood can be a rather tricky stain to remove from anything, especially mattresses! Applying a small amount of laundry detergent to the stain may help to remove it, as may dabbing it with 3% hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice.


Vomit can be another common cause of mattress stains, especially in children or ill people. As with most of the other stains listed above, the bedding should be stripped and washed immediately. A 50% mixture of white vinegar and water should be sprayed on the stain, before blotting it with a clean cloth - this step should be repeated until the stain has disappeared. To finish, put some baking soda on the stain and leave it for a few hours, before vacuuming it up. You should then let the bed mattress air dry. This should also help to remove the smell of vomit.

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Mattress protectors and toppers

Mattress protectors and toppers can be very useful in preventing stains. It is a good idea to have a mattress protector anyway as this means your mattress will need to be cleaned less often, however they can also prevent stains from setting into the mattress itself. It is often easier to clean the mattress protector than the mattress itself. A mattress topper will make your bed more comfortable and also act as a barrier between the mattress and anything that may cause staining. Mattress protectors are a good way in which homeowners can prevent their made to measure beds from being damaged. Endurance Beds stock memory foam mattresses with removable covers for easy cleaning - ideal for children's beds.

Avoiding stains

One tip we can also provide is to avoid getting stains on your mattress in the first place. Avoid eating and drinking on the bed if possible and make sure to be careful when carrying any stainable liquids near the mattress. Purchasing a well-made mattress or bed from a company such as Endurance Beds will also mean that damage is less likely to occur. As stated above, mattress protectors can also be useful in preventing stains.

Basic mattress care

As well as stain prevention measures, it is also important to take care of your mattress and bed in general. Not only will this make sleeping easier and more comfortable, but it will also ensure that your bespoke mattress remains in excellent condition and will help to keep you healthy, as unclean beds/mattresses can lead to health problems.

Rotating your mattress a few times a year will help with this, as well as vacuuming the mattress every so often. This can also get rid of dust and pests such as dust mites, which may lead to skin irritations. Take particular care to vacuum near seams and near the headboard, as these are the places dust mites particularly like to live. Endurance Beds offer mattresses that contain a safe and sanitised fabric with innovative hypoallergenic anti-dust mite protection, which may be useful in situations like this.

To find your dream mattress, browse our collection today.

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