Do you often feel tired even when it's first thing in the morning? After a full night of sleep, you should be feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and on top of the world - right? But so many things can contribute to you not getting the best night’s sleep possible, and just one of those factors is not falling asleep at the optimal time for you.
Since we’re all different, what is the perfect time to go to bed for you personally? And how can you best arrange your evening and sleeping space to achieve a great night’s sleep? We take a closer look.
How much sleep do you need?
If you find yourself exhausted in the morning, or flagging throughout the day and wanting to nap, then you might want to think about how much sleep you are getting overall. Everyone needs a different amount of sleep, but there are general guidelines that allow you to find the correct bedtime for you.
Getting the right amount of sleep is important, as this can improve your concentration and mood during the day, and allows you to process what has happened so that you can better make and store your memories. Not only that, but sleeping enough is also thought to improve your immune system so you may fall ill less often, and can also support maintaining a balanced diet, as you will be less likely to reach for high sugar snacks to keep your energy up.
What happens during sleep?
Finding the right bedtime and getting the right amount of sleep means that you will be going through your body’s full sleep cycle. This cycle will generally occur around four times if you are getting seven to nine hours of sleep, with each taking around an hour to two hours. Each phase of sleep is categorised as REM (rapid-eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. These phases are required for a full and restful sleep, letting you sleep deeply, dream, and wake up feeling emotionally, mentally and physically better.
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What is the perfect bedtime for children and teens?
If you are wondering what the best time is for your child to go to sleep, then this can vary based on their exact age. For example, a school-aged child of up to thirteen should sleep between nine to eleven hours, meaning that they should go to bed between seven and nine in the evening depending on when they need to wake up. On the other hand, a teenager will need around eight to ten hours, meaning they can get to bed a little later (around ten in the evening is a good time).
What is the perfect time to go to bed for adults?
As you get older, you actually need less sleep than when you are growing. From the age of around eighteen until your sixties, the generally suggested amount of sleep is between seven and nine hours. The exact amount will vary for you - not everyone needs eight hours per night, but getting to bed between ten and eleven at night is ideal for most adults.
Getting high-quality sleep is easier before midnight, as some studies show that sleep after midnight is not as restful or satisfying. Regardless of how long you sleep after midnight, the full health benefits may not be as positive or noticeable.
Getting to bed on time
Depending on your age, you should aim to work out the right amount of sleep for you and adjust your bedtime accordingly. A consistent bedtime will help you to feel the full, positive effect - and you can get to bed more easily with a few changes.
Commit to a good sleep routine which can include reducing blue light (this includes laptop or smartphone screens) and trying reading or listening to relaxing music before bed. For children and adults alike, a warm bath and simple stretches can help to prevent overstimulation and get you ready to sleep at the same time every night. Avoiding naps during the day will also contribute to this.
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How can you get better sleep?
As well as getting to bed at the correct time, getting better sleep can also be supported by addressing your bedroom and whether you have the right bed and mattress for your body type and comfort needs. If you are putting off going to bed, or getting into bed at the right time and still not feeling rested, you might not be as settled during your sleeping hours as you think.
If you are a side sleeper, then a medium soft or medium firm mattress may be the best choice for you, but if you sleep on your back or front, a firmer mattress can be beneficial.
As well as replacing your bed and mattress, ensure that your room is cool and well ventilated, without clutter - this is even more important if you work from your bedroom, as this can cause a distraction without you even noticing.
How Endurance Beds can help
What is the perfect time to go to bed for you? Taking the time to work out your best schedule and how you can adapt your lifestyle and space to suit this can have great benefits in both the short and long term. Remember that you can adjust this, but should always stick to roughly the same timeframe.
Whatever your ideal time to get to sleep is, you can enjoy better sleep with the wonderful range of bespoke mattresses at Endurance Beds. We are experts in luxurious and unique beds for a range of commercial and domestic settings. In your home, choosing the right mattress can make getting to bed at the best time easier, so browse our full range and enquire about how we can help you.